Top 5 Classic Cartoon Character of All Time

Think about the current trends around cartoon characters and imagine which will become Classics. Reaching that status is not easy, even though some might be heartwarming for kids. For example, I’ve caught my father watching the 60’s Pink Panther on YouTube because he used to watch it as a child, and even now, in his 60s, he feels it is a safe place to go. And he says it proudly! And that’s precisely the effect of old classic characters. No matter how long it has been, you still cherish them; you might even find them on TV and decide to watch them again because you have an attachment to them that is emotional.

Classic cartoons have taught us about friendship, kindness, and good values, even science (cough cough! Mrs. Frizzle and The Magic School Bus is a classic, and I won’t argue about it). You laugh with these characters, you recognize new places, and it is about new sounds, colors, and shapes for the little ones. My daughter is learning things through Paw Patrol and will probably grow up thinking it as a classic.

So as we grow up, we take these characters’ lessons with us, we remember what they’ve said and what we have learned from them, and they become crucial in kids’ development. This article will look at the top 5 classical cartoon characters of all time.

Mickey Mouse

Mickey is the definition of CLASSIC. Although we could mention the whole Disney machinery here, Mickey has pierced the hearts of all generations since he was created, and we all love him the same. His voice, crew, looks, and all the remakes of his show have made him one of a kind in terms of cartoons. If you add all the powerful advertising and merchandising he has around him, he is the most powerful character of all time.

Bugs Bunny

‘That’s all, folks, no matter the translation, you know that’s Bugs Bunny. This clever rabbit is a cultural icon and probably close to Mickey Mouse’s power status. Although his influence has decreased over the last couple of years compared to Mickey, he has made generations laugh for many decades.

SpongeBob Square Pants

Closer to a modern classic, SpongeBob Square Pants touched the heart of the millennial generation so much that it is a constant character used in memes. His group of friends (Patrick Star!), the originality of life under the sea, and a charismatic Sponge make for a successful formula.

Scooby Doo

Let’s talk about my favorite cartoon (close to the Magic School Bus, yes!): Scooby Dooby Doo! The group of friends solving mysteries, the scary dog facing his fears and being brave to reveal the truth, what’s not to like from these vintage cartoon characters? Now that I’ve mentioned him, I want to go and watch some episodes!

Dora The Explorer

A classic from the 2000s, Dora marked a generation by combining Spanish and making children fall in love with the language. Watching cartoons in different languages back in the day was difficult, and Dora did an excellent job showing that it was needed. If you are looking for shows in multiple languages, you can try Oznoz, which features +10 languages.

Cartoon characters are our childhood

We all remember what we have learned from our beloved characters, the hours of fun times, and they have shaped us in ways we aren’t even aware of. Take, for example, what happened in the 2022 World Cup match between Japan-Germany. One of the trending topics on Twitter that day was Oliver Atom, a cartoon soccer player that marked a generation (at least in Latin America) of children. It was evident that Supercampeones remains a classic because we learn about never giving up, trying our best, and having a supportive group of friends.

When Dora was released, they probably didn’t know how a whole generation would pick up Spanish words, pay attention to a different language and embrace it. Old cartoon characters go beyond entertainment. They touch our hearts and remain there for a lifetime. If you want your children to experience the same attachment, then you might want to try and discover new cartoon characters that speak over ten languages!